About Us
About the coach
Before becoming a Fitness Professional, Coach Ash worked as a Mechanical Engineer, Surf Instructor and even an Infantry Soldier. Ash’s unique skill set, extensive education and broad experience is how Fit Ash F are able to inspire people like you to achieve your goals and improve you fitness, health and wellbeing.

Since making the shift to the fitness industry Coach Ash has helped hundreds of individuals on their journey towards better health, better movement, weight loss, muscle gain, improved strength, performance goals and overall – becoming better humans!

Contact The Coach

Why Fit Ash F
Our mission is to improve your health, wellbeing and performance in everyday life. We achieve this through smart, functional training catered to your needs.

We believe that your fitness regime should add to your day – not take away from it. Fit Ash F training sessions are designed to improve strength, movement patterns, aesthetics, energy levels and confidence! You will look better, move better and feel better!